Your escape to outdoor fun, nature and tranquility.

Waskesiu Resorts

Accommodations to meet everyone’s budget

UpComing events – Stay Tuned



Prince Albert National Park

Prince Albert Nation Park est.1927 located in the heart of Saskatchewan where the Boreal forest meets the prairie grasslands across its glacial carved landscapes.

Our accommodations include

Air Conditioning | Cottages | Kitchenette Suites | Wi-Fi | Satellite TV | Event Spaces | Privacy Decks with Patio furniture | BBQs

Now Open For Winter

Experience everything Waskesiu has to offer this summer.

Winter Experience Packages

Now offering Activities and Tours to make the most of your Winter Experience

Events, Meetings or large Groups

We got you covered

Winter on the lake

Living Skies

Waskesiu Break Water

Morning Stretch!

Cook House on Waskesiu Beach

Local Resident

Fishing for the whole family

Waskesiu River Hike

Wild Strawberry Foraging

Height of Land Hike

Stunning Sunsets

Morning Fog

Starting at $178.00/night

Rate based on peak summer season, winter and off season rates may be lower.

Waskesiu Resorts

834 Waskesiu Drive
Waskesiu Lake, SK
S0J 2Y0

Contact Info
(306) 663-5377

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